Feeding Therapy

child showing love sign for fruits and veggies

Not all children experience mealtime challenges in the same way or form. Therefore, your child would benefit from a therapist who understands their unique feeding needs and can support them through these challenges in a sensitive and respectful manner. We work together with both you and your child to best support your child’s feeding goals.

Erandi is experienced in multiple feeding therapy approaches. These approaches have helped her to tweak her approach to feeding therapy to support her clients with their mealtime challenges. She is passionate about making feeding an enjoyable experience for both her clients - the children, as well as their parents as she understands that mealtimes can be a struggle for some children as well as their parents who try their best to support their child’s food intake during mealtimes.

We can help, If your child experiences the following:

  • has a very narrow diet affecting their nutrition and growth 

  • is uncomfortable with food with different sensory properties such as colour, smell, texture, taste, etc.

  • has been cutting down on eating food that he or she used to eat in the past

  • dining out or dining with friends has been difficult due to your child’s food related challenges

family dining with picky eater
school lunch box